
Paris Jackson: il messaggio d’addio a nonno Joe Jackson

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Pubblicato il 28/06/2018
Di Team Digital
Paris Jackson il messaggio d8217addio a nonno Joe Jackson

Joe Jackosn, il papà del grande Michael, è morto a 89 anni e la nipote, figlia 20enne di Michael Jackson, lascia sul suo account Instagram un addio commovente.

“Trascorrere gli ultimi momenti con te è stato fondamentale, poterti dire tutto quello che volevo dirti, prima di salutarti, è stata una grande benedizione. Conserverò per sempre ogni attimo insieme, anche gli ultimi. Poterti tenere la mano, coccolarti, baciarti sulle guance e sulla fronte, ricordare i tuoi consigli, ricordare quello che papà diceva di te, sentirti ridere per l’ultima volta. Il mio cuore è pieno sapendo che ci siamo lasciati in questo modo”.

Nonno Joe lascia una famiglia numerosa dopo aver lottato a lungo contro la malattia. 11 figli per lui, è stato per tanto tempo il manager dei suoi figli, Michael e Janet.

Alle sue parole, la bellissima Paris ha voluto accompagnare degli scatti del nonno da giovane.

Il saluto di Paris

RIP The HAWK. Joseph Jackson. spending those last few moments with you were everything. being able to tell you everything i needed to tell you before saying goodbye was such a blessing. everyone that came to visit you, came with love, respect, and so much pride in their hearts for you. proud of you, proud to be your children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren, proud to have your strength and share the dynasty you spent your life creating, and proud to be a jackson. you are the first true jackson. the legend that started it all. none of us would be anywhere near where we’re at if it weren’t for you. you are the strongest man i know. your life’s work will go down in history, as will you, to be known as one of the greatest patriarchs to ever live. i will cherish every moment with you til the day i die, especially our last moments. being able to hold your hand, lay with you and cuddle you, give you kisses all over your cheeks and forehead, meant more to me than you’ll ever know. quoting advice you gave me when i was a little kid and seeing your eyes light up, sharing stories my dad used to tell me about you, telling a joke and hearing you laugh for the last time.. my heart is full knowing we left each other in that way. i made you promise me you’ll come visit me. you agreed and i’m going to hold you to it. and i promised you that we will keep telling your story, over and over. to never be forgotten. my great grandchildren will know who joseph jackson is. i love you grandpa. so so so much that words can’t describe. i have immense gratitude for you, and always will. we all feel that way. thank you for everything. truly. rest in peace and transition. i’ll see you in my dreams very very soon.

Un post condiviso da Paris-Michael K. Jackalope (@parisjackson) in data: Giu 27, 2018 at 4:51 PDT

Uno scatto rubato con il figlio Michael

OMG, Joseph is dead! #michaeljackson #joejackson

Un post condiviso da ExoticMJ (@gentlemj) in data: Giu 27, 2018 at 1:44 PDT

Con Michael

Insieme ad alcuni dei suoi nipoti

Foto: Instagram

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